#333 Good Morning Sunday, December 4, 2016

Hello World!

Well today is Sunday and it is supposed to be a beautiful day again today.  I’m going to ride BB to church.  I thought I might cook dinner for Jeff tonight.  It will have to be early since I need to go to the 7PM meeting tonight.  Last week only 3 women showed up so we had an open meeting.  The girls are “fresh” out of Hazelden and are trying to get a handle on this thing.  Another woman showed up too who had never been to the meeting.  No men showed up.  Not even Dave, so we had our own meeting and didn’t do the tradition.

I think the boys are loosing faith in the meeting.  They keep no showing.  I know that Roy is having a hard time right now, but I would sure like to see Billy show up.  Afterall, he was one of the founders of this meeting.  Oh well, it is what it is.

I wanted to start this blog today because I have 2 new pictures I want to add to my collection.  The first one is of BB at the store:

First time at Publix

First time at Publix

I have to say, I am so happy I bought BB.  I know I’ve over extended, but it is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.  It is a joy to ride and I feel very safe on her.  I’ve even wore my scooter shoes and I’m happy I can do that.  I can wear my sneakers too.  My boots will be for days that I go on rides with the gang.  I went to Harley yesterday and bought a back rest for a rider so if I ever do that, they will have a feeling of security when I change the gears.  The best thing is that I’ve learned to change gears with my heel.  What a new world!  So easy and effortless.  I’ve learned a couple of things too.  One is, that it won’t start if it is in gear.  Found that out yesterday.  Also, I couldn’t get her to start after work on Friday and I had to call Harley to walk me through it.  Seems that you need to hold in the front break while turning on the engine.  But I’ve done that a couple of times and sometimes that isn’t necessary.  But I could be wrong.  So on the way to Harley yesterday I filled up the tank:  $8 and I’m good for 200 miles – I think.  It has a gas gauge.  I also ordered a clock for the handle bar.  I spent $500 without blinking!  Wasn’t going to do that, but I think that is all I’ll do for a while.  So here is my next picture:

First Fill Up - $8.00

First Fill Up – $8.00

On Monday, I’m going into work late as I’ve got everything I need to fax to they guy at Social Security.  I was going to do that on Thursday, but I forgot and went to work.  Typical!  Anyway, I’m happy that the guy from Social Security is following up.  I’m impressed by that.   Once that is done, I should receive my first check from Social Security in January.  I’ll use that check to save some and also pay my bill for BB.   I think this is going to work.  I’m excited about this new chapter in my life.

On Friday, we had the Amazing Race at Moorings Park.  It was great.  There were 10 teams competing and the team that I was helping ended up winning.  They were the “Wellness Warriors”.  I’m glad I didn’t join a team.  There was a “LOT” of running.  It was fun though.  I think everyone had a good time and it was certainly something to get to know personalities of various colleagues.  Some good, some bad.  I have to say that Erica did a fantastic job, but tried to do too much.  She really needed a committee to help her.

Darlene came in on Friday.  It was nice seeing her.  She looked pretty good.  Skinny!  Anyway, I hope she gets to retire rather than coming back.  I’m not sure what Lily will do about her.

So Jeff and I are getting along well.  I’m still a little hesitant about a “relationship”.  I think it will work out, but I’m still a little fearful.  I guess it’s because I can’t believe that he likes me like he says he does.  He is 3 years younger than me, but he keeps saying he thinks I’m the most sane woman he knows.  Yeah – goes out and buys a Harley for more money than my car is worth.  But then again, both of my vehicles are cheaper than some people’s single vehicle.  So I’m not too bad.

I hope Jeff is being truthful.  Time will tell.  All I know is he makes me laugh and seems to have a nurturing side.  Took care of his ailing father until he died.  Drove me back and forth to Ft. Myers during my mishap.  He seems sincere.

Well, I’ve got a couple of things to do today.  We got our Christmas Bonus on Friday!  It was BIG.  I have receipts to add in to my “picnic” G & L for Corrections.  So must get going.  Thanks for visiting and pray for me and BB on the road!



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