#377 Good Morning, Friday, August 3, 2018

Hello Everyone,

Today is Dick’s 70th Birthday!  Wow – how did we get so old?  I have great memories of all of the cousins playing on the beach on Cape Cod.  Great childhood memories!  So I just celebrated 16 years SOBER!  Wow….here is proof!

Sober 16 Years

So at Morning Reflections, we celebrate yearly anniversaries on the last Friday of the month.  In July, it was my 16th Anniversary.  Last year this is what the cake looked like:

Sober 15 Years – Only 1 name on the cake!

This year, Corrine and Suzee joined me.  Suzee celebrated 1 year this year and I think she still struggles.  She isn’t totally honest about things and I hope she begins to be so.  I’ve been helping her a lot this year.  When she first came into the NAC, she had just gotten out of the hospital and was in a wheelchair.  She has now progressed to the point that she is finally back at work.  So now she is able to do a lot more.  She still does not have her license so she is reliant on friends to drive her places, but she takes a bus also.  They pick her up at her house and it only costs her $1.  Not sure how long that will last for her as she isn’t in the wheel chair any longer.  I gave her my bike to ride to work, but she isn’t able to use it yet.  She says her ankle doesn’t work correctly.  But I hope she gets going on it.  It will give her more freedom.  Here is a picture of me and Suzee:

Me and Suzee

Suzee and I spoke last night at The Naples Group.  I really hate speaking.  I get very nervous, although I wasn’t too bad last night, but it might be because I had the stone in my pocket for “Public Speaking”!  Did it work?  Who knows, although I am convinced that God was speaking through me.  Suzee spoke first and did a really good job.  I got up after her and finished my talk with The Promises.  Everyone complimented me and I believe they were sincere.  I think it really helped that I listened to the CD’s of AA Speakers.  I especially liked Ben T who spoke at a Quarterly in Boca.  I’m hoping Heather thinks so also and we bring him in for our Anniversary in February.

So listen to my newest life plan, I almost typed “Laugh” plan……..I’m going to sell my Trike:


The plan is to sell BB and get at least $15K for her – I am asking $20K right now.  I have her on Craig’s List and in Cycle Trader.  I’ve also added her to all of the FB Selling Sites.  It has been about a week and I haven’t gotten one inquiry which is a little depressing, but I just got the new FOR SALE sign and I think I can drive it around with it on the windshield and it will get a little more exposure.  Suzan said it’s a bad time of year to do this, because the seasonal people are gone and that made me feel a little better.  I may consign it to Everglades if necessary.

AND – after I sell her, I’m going to get a CAMPER or VAN or RV of some sort and begin the RV lifestyle.  Not full timing at first because I love my home and it’s home to my 3 cats so I can’t get rid of that yet.  But YouTube has a ton of videos about this life.  This is my new HERO:


This woman sold everything in California and is now on the road in her RV.  This guy goes around interviewing people and it is amazing what people are doing.  I saw a young guy – 28 – working on line and living in his van.  It is really amazing!  So that is the new life plan…….how about that!

I’m going to go now.  Got to dry my hair and then GO CAMPING!

Thanks for visiting!



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