RV Life with DAISEE2 #40 Thursday, February 2, 2023

Today is Metaxa’s Birthday – she is 13. I love that cat!

Metaxa in the sun in Benson

She is once again an “only” cat. Jack’s cat Odie died a couple of months ago and she is now the only cat in our household. She has taken to sitting in Jack’s lap these days which is really good. She stays with him when I go camping during these cold temperatures, but otherwise she would be with me.

Speaking of camping……..I’m leaving this morning for Cattail Cove State Park in Parker/Lake Havesu City. It is with the ladies of Arizona RVW. It’s a little close to my last trip to the Q, but I signed up for it a year ago. It’s gonna be about a 6 hour ride. It is located on the Colorado River along the border of California. We are going to go into town on Saturday for an art show and I want to see and get a picture of The London Bridge. It’s exciting.

I have 3 other trips planned. Catalina in March, Camp Verde in April and Catalina in October. I might try to do a Kartchner trip on the first weekend of March. I want to test tow my VW and stay close to town. Plus it would be nice to visit with Bill and Cathy before they leave in April. I could spend a couple of nights at CT-RV. Anyway, more will be revealed. I’ll be back to follow up with this during the weekend. So circle back soon.

So I’ve made it to Cattail Cove State Park. OMG! SO AMAZING! It took me 6 hours to drive here with 2 stops along the way at rest stops.

First stop to Parker – went to the car side – wrong! A little close!
Second stop with the big guys!

I took some video dash cam on the way here. The terrain is so incredible! I’m thinking it must be because of the Colorado River. I hope I remember how to get the video off. More will be revealed.

Here is my site:

Genie and me side by side!
My site.

This is such a super place. AND my phone is sending pictures all of a sudden. I sent this to Bill and Cathy and Jack: Reminds me of Florida!

Lake Havesu sunset at Cattail Cove State Park!

Was looking for old pictures of Metaxa and found this one – my favorite! Can’t believe I didn’t take any pictures of her as a kitten – but that was definitely before my iPhone:

Tiny picture but you get the point!
Domino and Metaxa in Naples

So I also found the “Ice Bucket Challenge” I did way back when for ALS.

Ice Bucket Challenge

I’m going to go to bed now.  I’ll continue this tomorrow.

So today is FRIDAY, February 3, 2023. It isn’t as cold here as it was in Q. Only 46 outside when I got up. I have the Little Buddy Heater on and it is warming up Daisy just fine. COFFEE IS GREAT. I miss my Hazelnut! Another reason to go camping! Today I want to explore the park. May take my bike down and take a ride. The beach is pretty cool. Lots of ladies are going kayaking. Susan, from Green Valley is here and brought her kayak. She is about 4 sites down from Genie and me and has been here since the 31st. I’m looking forward to the sun coming up, but first I have a meeting. I’ll be back. This place is so QUIET!

BTW, I removed the other mattress topper and it was much more comfortable to sleep up there. I just moved it back, so I don’t need to get rid of it, but if we’re doing a free pile, I might put it out there along with the cat back pack. Just takes up too much room, although they are not really in the way.

Here is a video I took on my way to Cattail Cove State Park:

To Cattail Cove

It says that it is being processed, Maybe later. Now I’m going to go to YouTube to see if I an upload it there.

I hope it will play.  Let me go out and try it.  I figured out how to put it on YouTube.  I needed to keep it in “Downloads” from the chip and then I could pick it up from downloads through YouTube and process it through there and then just copy the link and insert it here.  At least you will see a bit of the landscaping out here – pretty amazing!

I went for a short walk this morning and found this:

Labyrinth at the beach


We went for a hike today. Took about 2.5 hours – it was beautiful. There were 11 of us.

On the hike and 3 more pictures below

You can see the Parker Dam in the center
The lake is low, but just beautiful all the same!

I’m continuing this on Sunday, February 5, 2023. Yesterday was a great day. Got to ride my bike and went to the “store” and bought the cutest little metal sculpture of a Javalina to hang in Daisy. Here it is:


We all went to Havesu City to lunch. Some ladies (including Genie) went early to go to the crafts fair. They said it was crowded but not really that “great”. Glad I held out for a ride with Sue just to lunch. Went to a very cool restaurant:

Our table of 20 – we had a view of London Bridge from our seats. Here is that picture:

London Bridge in America!

It was a little disappointing, but the ladies said that last year they took a boat tour and it was very enlightening, so next time, we’ll have to do that. Anyway, I need to get to the meeting now and will continue this later so come back.

This was the restaurant where we had lunch – all 20 of us:

Javalina Cantina

Gonna get started on my trip back. This has been such a great weekend. I love these little outings. Easy drive back on I 10. Home in 6 hours. Thanks for visiting!

I took this picture of the mountains from my site:

The Red Mountains at Cattail Cove

We just got a new Jeep Grand Cherokee:

New JEEP – Our “Final” Car!!!!


One Response to “RV Life with DAISEE2 #40 Thursday, February 2, 2023”

  1. Susan Kays

    Feb 03. 2023

    Wow, You sure are getting to be a pro my friend. I love it. Finally caught up with you and Wiley Saves Me. Love you MB

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