RV Life with DAISEE2 #111 Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Good Morning Everyone!  It’s Bill’s Birthday!  Happy Birthday Bill Bass!  75!

I copied a picture of me in front of our cottage at Pilgrim’s Village when we had a family reunion (minus Bill and Cathy) a number of years ago. But then I started this blog and lost it. I’ll have to go back to get it. It was on a blog back in 2016.

So we’re getting ready to attach the JEEP to DAISEE2.  Here is the first step:

We also committed to this: Look closely you can see our Yard Sign! Reminds me of working with Dudley Goodlette on his campaign in Naples years ago.

This is a good movie about Trump.

Look at Cathy’s Lap Dog!

I made it to Catalina State Park on Wednesday, October 23, 2024. Here we are waiting to leave – first time towing the jeep behind DAISEE2.

She tows really easily. We had trouble connecting the light wires, but it may be just because it hasn’t been used before. Here I am in my PULL THROUGH #2 at Catalina State Park:

The JEEP is at a bit of an angle so I’m not sure how hard it will be to unhitch. I’m not going to try it yet. It’s too sunny and HOT right now. I’m enjoying the A/C even though it is NOISY!

Arrival at Catalina State Park on Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Here is the sign as you come in:

We woke up to these temps today. Note the time – up for the meeting!!!!!

It’s nice to be here one day before the rest. Plus we went out to dinner just Madeline, Robbin, Karen and me. We went to a place right across the road from us. It was a very good, BarBQue place. I had pulled port mac and cheese. It was AMAZING! Didn’t finish it, but it wasn’t enough to bring home. I now know why Madeline is so small. She ordered ribs and took a good 1/2 hour to finish just 2 ribs. They looked amazing too. Service was spotty. Nicole did the best she could, but it was SLOW. Luckily it wasn’t dinner for the whole group! Here is the menu: they even had deviled eggs on the menu – that’s for JACK!

I really wish I had my bike with me. They are going to go biking on the LOOP and I’ll miss that. I could get a bike hitch done at Quality Bumper in Mesa. But Jack thinks “we” can do it. I’m not so sure. Time will tell. Going to go to my meeting now. I’ll be back. My coffee is delicious this morning – strictly Hazelnut – LOVE IT!

Just got back from a walk around the campgrounds. I discovered a LOT! First, here is my route:

There are some “Sisters on the Fly” here – other campground. I ran into a family – 4 kids, 2 dogs and 11 puppies. $1000. Labradoodles. SO CUTE. But not gonna go there!

Saw this cactus again – it is so cool!

Robbin and I drove out to MM105 and tested the trail in her beautiful JEEP. We go tomorrow with the group. She was afraid that the fires or monsoons could have made it hard to navigate. It was fine. It did get hot yesterday, although my weather station said it was under 90 all day. I doubted that, but I’m hoping my weather station is still working ok since it’s a new one. We got up at 6:30 this morning – it’s late for us, but Metaxa kept getting me up last night so that was why we slept in. Coffee is brewing. This is the temps this morning:

Colder than yesterday so I hope that is indicative of a cooler day today. We can pray! I went on a hike this morning to “close my ring”!

Along the Bridal Trail at Catalina State Park. I enjoyed this hike!

We had a workshop today with Anne Henderson about having a small sketchbook on our travels. You can get them at the Dollar Store. Anyway, here we are in the shade – it was HOT!

It’s SATURDAY, October 26, 2024. Today is the JEEPING DAY! We’re going to MM105 and out to the Tucson Wash trestle. I’m up and ready to go, but I haven’t had any coffee and it’s only 7AM. I think I’ll listen to my meditation!

This is where we are going:

These were my temps this morning:

Metaxa was cold and tired this morning – stayed in bed!

I need to order an extra key for the rig to put in the key holder and then put it in the back bumper. Last night I dropped my key while watching the movie and could not get into the rig. That could have been a disaster but I walked back and it was laying in the road. TUG!!!!!! God bless Amazon. I ordered 2 keys. Will be here in a week!

Our JEEPING was a hoot. Here are a couple of pictures of it. I also took a LOT of videos that I need to put on YOUTUBE but I’m charging my phone right now and I’ll do it in a bit. But first the pictures!

This was as we were gathering to take off. Madeline led us.

It was cool enough to wear sweat pants! Here we are at the Trestle!

We all made it without any mishaps. I did worry a little about Trvaler getting broken down or something. He did great though. Felt better in 4WD than in 2WD. Robbin was my teacher about that: Here us PROOF!

Another picture at the Trestle:

Madeline stopped us for a photo op!

The friendly RANCH DOG came down to greet us!

The cacti was so cool! Tons of Saguaros along the wash:

When we got back from JEEPING – we played BINGO. I won one game and won a table cloth.

Beginning today on the LAST day of the rally. I’m leaving around 10 or so. Taking my time getting ready.

We’re going to put a receiver on the JEEP so I can bring my bike when I tow the JEEP. I’m excited about that project. Jack says we can do it ourselves. I’m not so sure, but he’s the CAR guy!

I’m happy to say that my fridge minders still work. This is my refrigerator’s temperatures today:

I wish I had one more day here. I’m not ready to go home yet. But I guess that is just what it is. I love this camping stuff. I am so happy I have DAISEE2 and can tow a JEEP behind. My next trip is to Amato in November. It’s only 17 days away. I can handle that! Then after that rally, I’m going to Lost Dutchman for 5 days with Sue Shaw & Shannon perhaps. Not sure if anyone else is doing that with us. It will be 28 days until that one. Then I have a trip in January planned also. I’m going to Patagonia while others are at Quartzsite. I didn’t want to go to Q this year or any other year for that matter. I’m glad I went 2 years ago, but that’s all I need to do.


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