Ms. Days Ease RV Life #1

So the journey begins. A new chapter of RVing Life. I’ll be picking up Daisy today and bringing her home. I’m going to put her in my driveway for the night and maybe a couple of days. I plan to bring her home to my place each day until I fit her out and I’m going to drive her around Naples to see how she does in traffic and at stores etc. It should be a great experience. This is the marketing picture I have for Olivi@.

Olivi@ For Sale

I think this is a great picture for marketing purposes. I’ve been cleaning her out and putting everything in my “empty” guest room. But now it’s no longer empty. However, last night at Meditation I got this message:

Message 8/26/19

I am still developing the list of attributes for RV Trader. I can’t decide what to sell her for. I think $14,900. I found out that Stephen Post isn’t with Gerzeny’s any longer. He is selling Hurricane Windows. Anyway, I called Gerzeny’s yesterday to speak with him and he “no longer worked there”. I was supposed to speak to another sales person, but we never got connected. I texted Stephen, which was probably rude, but I wanted to know who he suggested work on my Born Free and he said Gerzeny’s so I guess that’s positive. I have to remember to ask Ken who he used to work on Daisy.

Here is a picture of me and the awning at Sanlan in Lakeland. It is the first time I’ve been able to reach the awning without the ladder. I’ve never stayed in a place that had a concrete slab to work with.


My phone is not sending items this morning. I wonder why that happens? I’ll try to send the picture again. But first I’m going to upload a video to YouTube of my golf cart tour. I don’t think I saved it there, but I’ll go check. Be right back.

Golf Cart Tour in Lakeland

I’ve decided that I like doing videos without my face in them, so I just might do these types of videos for information rather than have the camera on me. But yesterday I got my hair cut and I think I look better. So maybe I’ll try it again, but from my computer rather than the iPhone and iPad. I think it is more forgiving! Of course, that is just my vanity – a bad character defect.

I think I’ll go eat a little breakfast on the lanai with the kitties. Then I’m going to the 8AM meeting to chair it and then I’ll be going to Punta Gorda to pick up Daisy! Thanks for visiting!


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