Today is BLACK FRIDAY, November 29, 2019. It is rainy and windy here in Benson. The wind was really HUGE last night from about 1 to 3AM. Daisy was shakin’ and bakin’! But I was able to sleep in to 6:30 AM this morning. I noticed that my bike has blown down. I had it locked to the picnic table with my CLAW so it worked it’s way out. I’m sure the CLAW is still on the bike, but it is now on it’s side. I may decide to fold it up and put it in the rig in the passenger seat. We’ll see if it ever stops raining!
Don’t think I’ll be going out today. The weather is just too bad. I’m done with coffee and had my last banana nut muffin for breakfast. TV is on and I’m watching the TODAY show. That is unique. Never do that in Naples!
So I’m continuing this on Saturday, November 30th. It is “small business” Saturday and Cathy and I are going to the Christmas Fair here at the Clubhouse to see what is going on down there. One of the things Bill and Cathy are finding, that I’m helping them get more “involved” with the neighborhood. They are giving away a blanket with raffle tickets. I could always use another blanket! So I’ll buy a couple of tickets!

So I need to start getting ready to go to the Christmas Fair here at Cochise Terrace at the Barn. It will be interesting to see how they do “charity” events here. I’ll try not to be too judgmental! I’ll be back later!
Oh one more picture before I go. Here we are trying to keep warm!

I realize that I have a duplicate picture but I’ll need to fix it later.

So Cathy and I went to the Christmas Fair. It was really great! The crafts were really pretty. I’ll need to come back next year to get the things I like which are many, but I just bought 2 dish scrubbies and a pretty beanie that matches my new, warm coat. Here is a picture of that:

And this is the view I saw this morning with snow on the mountains! So beautiful!

This picture shows the “doublewides” here in the mountains! They are really well made and don’t look like manufactured homes – at least like the ones I’ve seen in Naples. I really like the fact that they are flat to the ground and don’t have the lattice on the bottom and you walk right into them rather than up steps.
Thanks for visiting. I’ll be back in a bit!
bill s
Nov 29. 2019
Don’t catch that bad cabin fever.
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Nov 30. 2019
I’m missing the cold weather, until I see pictures of snow.
bill s
Nov 30. 2019
Wylie is on that laptop to get warm. Those cats must be in freezer shock. I hear them all the way from there meoeowing…get us home to Naples. 84 here and sunny. Just sayin.
Dec 01. 2019
Oh where oh where can my MB be? Missing you here in Naples. Are you ever coming home?
Dec 01. 2019
Hey I just figured out how to follow you on your journey. I know but you know me and phones 😝 love you sista…keep on keepin on!🤠🙆♀️🚶♀️💪👏👣👀🙏❤