Good Morning COVID-19 Warriors! It is Tuesday, May 19, 2020. The temperature this morning at 6:30AM is 59 degrees – LOVELY! The windows are open and Mellow Folk is playing on ALEXA! Life is good!
So yesterday this happened:

Brad did a super job again – $200 for 7 hours of work! He is so meticulous! I would never do that good of a job on her even though I love her cleaned and waxed. He seems to love what he does. Here is another picture:
If you run your hands along her front end or side – it is SO SMOOTH! He complained that she’d been through the Everglades – love bugs! So I gave him an extra $20 for the extra work. I feel so lucky to have Daisy. She is so well made. In the mornings, she is so cool inside – insulation is really great. I don’t step into her in the middle of the day however as I don’t want to feel how hot she gets in there. I am looking forward to going to Cottonwood on June 8th – 12th. That’s only about 3 weeks away – YAY!
I went for a walk the other day and I saw this plant by the pool house:
It is a Soap Tree Yucca. It’s pretty unique!
Bill Strenkert sent me this picture of the Anhinga in his back yard. It looks pretty majestic and his flowers look amazing!
Well, that’s about it for now. I want to go get a library card at the Benson Library and I now have a water bill I can show them to show that I’m a homeowner in the town. So off I go! Bubba is here working on the porch. Life is good. I just looked up the Library and it said it is temporarily closed. I’ll give them a call later today to see if they are open.
So recently I opened up my “coloring” box and started:
This is the second one I’ve done since I started doing this again. I have another book that is 8 1/2 X 11 which has similar pages but I didn’t want to start with that big of a page. I forgot how much I liked coloring. I can sit for hours and do this. It is so satisfying when a page is finished.
Bubba and Dennis are working on the porch today:

Bill and Cathy made it to their “summer home” today. So happy for them:
Last year they had to cut through the snow in order to park for the summer. I wonder if I have that picture. That is what happens when you go to YNP 2 months later in the year – but there is still snow!
bill s
May 19. 2020
So where and what is Cottonwood? and why are u going there? Daisy was the best buy you ever made! Glad I was able to be a part of that deal. I’m reorganizing the Office Manager’s office. I can believe how much crap I collected and hid away in there. I’ll take pics when I get everything moved to where I want it.
Reopening 24 Hour Club is slow in coming. It’s going to be very difficult trying to reason with all those alcoholics. More will be revealed, as you say!
bill s
May 19. 2020
Cottonwood is the name of a rattlesnake!
May 22. 2020
I bet Metaxa is loving the “Custom Catio!” Looks great MB. I go back to work on Monday….very short staffed so I’m going in and I’ll try to keep myself from kicking and screaming!