RV Life with DAISEE2 #102 Thursday, August 1, 2024

Good Morning Everyone! I’m going to Show Low today. I’m pretty excited about it. There is a fire on my way up there somewhere around the route I’m going on. The southbound lanes are closed – or at least were closed – but the northbound lanes are fine. It should be interesting watching that as I drive this morning. It should be fine coming home on Monday. Time will tell! Jack texted me to say the southbound lanes are all open now which I saw as I was coming up here. There were 2 slow downs on 260 as I was getting here. My GPS took me through a neighborhood when I missed the turn to this lake. I saw it as I drove by, but wasn’t sure that was the turn, so I just let it take me. Then I used my phone to get me here. I remember the road into this campground was nasty. It has bumps along the way that shakes the whole rig, not to mention the trouble that Metaxa must feel. She rode on the bed for the entire trip. I think she is tired now. I’m plugged in and my water is hooked up. The internet is pretty quick so I think I’ll have fun with this all weekend. Look how level I am:

Bought gas on the way out of Mesa:

So yesterday, Jennifer got to see her grandson Drew Michael Ray Cherok. She has waited a LONG time to become a granny. Here is a picture of her holding the baby for the first time: I have to convert the picture first. I’ll do that in a bit. I’ll be back!

There are only 6 of us – maybe 7 at this rally. Right now I don’t have any desire to kayak, but that will change I suppose. As long as the temperature is around 80 I should be ok. Right now it is 80 and raining and it’s 104 in MESA – sorry Jack! I think I’ll lie down for a little nap until 4:15 or so. Then we’ll have our regular Meet & Greet.

I pumped up the Kayak so I’ll be ready in the morning. I’m going to try to roll it down with my trailer. We’ll see how that goes!

Shannon gave me the idea to get the zero gravity chair. First time using it and it’s so comfortable! It’s a keeper! Here is a picture of the lake from the edge of my site:

I’m in Cinnamon Teal Site #14. It’s a double site, but no one is sharing it with me yet. Not sure what will happen over the weekend. This place is probably packed and I might have a “too close” neighbor. Let’s hope not! A couple have arrived with a LANCE travel trailer. They are very nice – from Northern Ireland. They’ve been to this campground numerous times. We all have our own privacy.

This is my site from my fire pit. They rake the stones in a circle and it looks so nice – much nicer than Patagonia! Here is my site from the other side – I’m right next to the sidewalk to the bathroom which is convenient but the lake view isn’t as nice as others.

Today is Friday, August 2, 2024. We woke up to these temperatures:

I think it is cooler inside than this is indicating. I hope I don’t need to get another weather station! Time for my meeting. Coffee is ready. Need to get a cup of coffee and log on to the meeting. I’ll be back to add to this. It rained a lot last night – no hard, but steady. I’m sure everything is really wet outside.

This was where I was last time I came here in Daisy BF:

It is so nice not having to put on my A/C in DAISEE2 for 10 hours a day. I think we’re passed the hottest part of the summer and it will cool down a little every day. I can’t wait for October. But first, I’m going to the Grand Canyon in September. I think it will be cooler there – at least I hope so. I’m going to be dry camping up there, so I won’t take Metaxa with me. It’s a longer drive too. So she will be better off at home.

I was watching Creativity RV with Robin one day and she mentioned getting a pop up tent. I had one – it’s called a CLAM. Anyway, I gave mine away when I was in Benson but decided I wanted another one “just in case” I needed it. So here it is:

It says it’s a 60 second set up. Bullshit! Took Genie and me an hour. But we got it up.

I did go kayaking this morning:

Sandy has a stretchy thing that connects her paddle to the kayak while she is paddling. It would be good to have something like that. I’ll see. I just bought 2 chairs for camping. It’s time to get rid of the bag chairs.

I used the trailer for the first time and it is super. You can see it under my kayak to the left:

This is how pretty the lake is here:

There are a lot of cliffs around this lake and many rock formations that are beautiful. Here is one:

Beginning this again on Saturday, August 3, 2024. It is a beautiful day – 65 degrees outside and inside. My weather station is toast. The inside temperature does not work. But I have a clock that measures the inside temperature and it says it is 65 inside too.

I think it is Dick’s birthday. Let me see if that is right! Waiting to hear back from him. Yes it is and he is 76.

This is a picture of Dick and my cousin Luann. It was taken in December of 2021.

Here is a picture of my site now with a neighbor:

You can see my tent in this picture. I’m going to take it down today. I just wanted to see how difficult it was to put up and it is. But I think it might come in handy one day. This way, I can put it up into the cabover farther back so it won’t be in the way when I sleep up there. At least that is the plan!

This campground is really great. There is a LOT of open space between the loops and lots of space at the sites. Next time I come I want a site in the Ruddy Duck Loop – they all have great lake views and they are single sites. At least most of them are. I found a “short cut” over to Elna’s and Alice’s site and it goes by the bath house. This is a mural on one of the walls at the bathroom: It kind of looks like tile – I’ll look closer at it today to see.

We went to lunch in Show Low today. It was VERY GOOD!

Carol, Sandy, me, Tina, Alice, Ulna, & Genie. It’s been great. I have a video of the place:

It’s still uploading. Let me see if I can move it along from the phone:

Here is a picture of my sandwich – a fried chicken club and slaw. They served it in a “to go” container so you could take it home without having to ask for a box – very clever!

After that we went to a swap meet down the road. Believe it or not I DID NOT BUY ANYTHING!

Just discovered this place in Phoenix where we can go from Mesa for a nice drive. It’s from Arizona Treks. Love their videos!

Just had the most wonderful sunset!

Another day dawns – 4:15AM – Metaxa got me up. I was having the best dream though. Anyway, I need to go to my meeting. It’s a speaker meeting and I got the speaker. She said she would be there so I hope she will. Anyway, my coffee is brewing. Smells delicious!

I went kayaking early today. I was on the water by 7:30. It was like glass. And the temperature was a wonderful 70 degrees!

Today is Monday, August 5, 2024. I’m leaving the coolness of Show Low and going back home where there is a “HEAT ADVISORY” for Mesa. It will be 106 today. It will be another month before I get to go camping again. I’ll be going to 10X campground near the south entrance to the Grand Canyon. It should be pretty good. I set up a Jeep Tour – I hope our guide is AWESOME! That will be important since it’s a little pricy. Anyway, I’m looking forward to that trip too. Alice and Elna are going to be there also. Genie will be in Peru at Machu Pichu. That should be fun! Hope she enjoys it – it might be a bit of a struggle for her but she is pretty resilient so I’m sure she’ll have a great time. I’m not really interested in that type of travel. I just like this RVing with the RVW group.

So yesterday, my site neighbors pulled out with their big LANCE trailer and needed to maneuver their truck around so they could get the trailer out. I offered to move Daisy to make it easier, but they said no and all was well – even though I had visions of them hitting Daisy on the way out. ANYWAY, I decided to move Daisy after they left a little closer to the picnic table so I wouldn’t need to worry again if I got a big neighbor. So here is my new neighbor!

Oh well!

I went down to the area I discovered the other day to meditate. The lake is glass again today. There are many kayakers and fishermen out and about. I took a video of the place. let me see if it’s downloaded on YouTube yet:

It’s not quite ready. I’ll put it in later. So here are a couple of pictures from today:

My Weather Station is broken so I’ve ordered a new one, but my WAGGLE works!

It’s 96 in MESA already!

Took a little hike this morning from the meditation place (I meditated there too) but was in my clogs so didn’t go too far, but did find this:

Trail Marker!


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