RV Life with DAISEE2 #103 Friday, August 9, 2024

Hello Everyone,

I just bought new earphones for listening to my computer and ZOOM meetings. I was having trouble keeping them in my ear, but they came with other adaptors so I’m trying a new one and they seem to work better. Time will tell. I bought 2 sets. One for home and one for in DAISEE2. Jeff is going to send me links to other types. I just need to have the wireless ones so the kitties don’t chew on them. I’ve had to throw away 3 pairs of earphones so far because of that. I just bought a set of new ones so I’ll keep those for when I’m walking with my phone in my pocket and way away from the kitties!

I ordered 2 new camp chairs. My “bag” chairs are just TOO heavy to carry to our Meet & Greets. So I put the one I had in Daisy next to the dumpster at Fool Hollow and it was picked up. Whether someone adopted it or the Camp Hosts tossed it I don’t know for sure, I’m hoping it got a good home. ANYWAY….Genie told me to get one like hers so I ordered one through Amazon for $45. She said it wouldn’t be the same as her chair (she has 2 of them) was $175. Well the one from Amazon came in the other day:

It is “cheaper” than Genie’s chair but is really comfortable – at least for get togethers at RVW Rallies. So I’m happy with that purchase. I did get the other brand (Helinox) but for $157.00. It was from some weird company so I was afraid I’d never see it, but it came in too:

It is much better than the cheaper one and it has a hard sided cup holder which is a new thing for these chairs. It is REALLY comfortable and I’m really happy with it. It folds up into the little bag and I think it weighs about 3 pounds. SO much lighter than that old bag chair. I also got 2 foot stools that fold up also and weigh about 1 pound each. Plus they take up much less space in the storage! YAY!!!!

I need to make reservations at Fool Hollow for next summer. Let me do that and I’ll be back after I do that.

Great video about HIKES in my area. I love this guy and his videos.

Best things to do in Arizona!

I’m having trouble with my Citi Visa card. It is the one I use to buy gas and I use it for car issues. It’s pretty cool because I earn points on it and after a year or so, it has enough money on it to pay for my Costco Membership. Anyway, that is my project for the day. Resolve the issue I’m having with it.

I’m going to Dead Horse Ranch Campground on the 1st of October. My site is #1:

Suzee sent me this picture of where she lives – apple orchards along the road:

I have put up a map of Arizona on my closet door and I’m putting “dots” where I have camped since 2022. It’s interesting to see where in the State of Arizona I’ve travelled. Of course, I’ve traveled across the country from Florida (3 times) and up to the UP of Michigan and also up to Colorado to visit with Susan. I suppose I could put a map up of the US and put dots there, but I’m out of wall space, so I’ll just do it for Arizona. I’ll take a picture of it when it gets lighter outside.

I was watching a video about boondocking near the Grand Canyon. It’s right up the road from us at 10X.

I’ll have my JEEP on this trip so we could check it out. I’ve decided not to take my Jeep. There will be plenty of people to ride with but I will have my bike!


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