RV Life with DAISEE2 #109 Thursday, October 3, 2024

Hello Everyone! I’m at Dead Horse Ranch State Park with RVW. It is located in Cottonwood right up the road from the Thousand Trails I used to go to when I was a member through Suzan and Bette. Unfortunately, it is really hot here – 91 degrees right now outside. 83 inside DAISEE2 with the A/C blasting. But it is very comfortable. I am glad that I did not bring Metaxa. Too crazy with things to do and all kinds of women. We just had the Happy Hour at my site. I first thought my site would be bad, but it has turned out to be AMAZING! Great shade so DAISEE2 will be out of the sun most of the day.

This was happy hour at my site. Site #1 – Pull Through.

I arrived early and I couldn’t go to my site until 12:30, so I decided to take a video of the campground loop and the first people I see are Elna and Alice. They just got back from Kayaking. I had to park DAISEE2 down by the “ponds”. Here is a picture of that:

I passed that camper on my way up here and she is part of our group – Sarah Vega – she travels with two of her dogs – two others stay home. She is looking to get a Class C. She just bought the little trailer to see if she likes camping. Let me see if my video is uploaded to YouTube.

When I drove in to the park I realized that I left all of the snacks at home. So Elna and Alice were planning to go into town for lunch. Here we are:

It was like Cozy Corner in Mesa – same type of tables. It had a menu with lots of Mexican Specials – and the price was reasonable. I had a cheeseburger with bacon and avocado. $15. Then we stopped at Safeway to buy snacks for the Happy Hour. You can see the box in the picture above. I checked it twice to be sure no MOUSE got into the box. I think I’ll go down to Marge’s for the “campfire” at 7PM. I’ll get back to this tomorrow. What will tomorrow bring?

Beginning again on Friday, October 4, 2024. I got up at 6:45 this morning. THAT is a switch. Slept pretty well. Woke up to these temperatures!

I do miss Metaxa but I’m glad she is at home. I’m going on a hike this morning. Just started coffee. I have about 1/2 hour before I need to leave. I hope I remember to use my app for the walk so I can add our route to this blog. I think we’re going down to the Verde River. It is about 3 miles. Hope I make it!

I’m back from the HIKE. It was 1.5 hours and we made it a little over 2 miles. It was a good walk. Glad I went. Here is our route:

Here are a couple of pictures from the walk. I even took a short video of the Verde River:

That is Jerome on the hill. You can see it from the “Pond” at the lagoons. I’m not going to bother with pumping up my kayak this time. It’s too much trouble. I need to get my bike down so I can get places. We have a ramada booked for all day tomorrow. Our pot luck is tomorrow afternoon. We’ll start it at Happy Hour time because we need to be out of there by 6PM.

The Verde River

Got distracted. Great picture of Metaxa and Zena and me on the couch!

Meet Winston! 3 year old Golden Doodle. They just GOT HIM!

Look how happy they look! Here is another picture of their LAPDOG!

They wore him out!

These were my temperatures this morning, October 5, 2024. Just LOVE IT!

Still can’t believe Bill and Cathy adopted Winston. The story is that they have a friend up there that stays in there all winter. They have a few dogs, mostly little dogs, but got Winston as a puppy 3 years ago. Winston is 65 pounds and they guy’s wife can’t handle it. Bill mentioned to the guy that if they ever wanted to give him up, they would take him. WELL now you know what happened and now our kitties have a dog cousin. I wonder if he like cats? He is a Goldendoodle which is a wonderful happy breed. I think he will be very happy with them. I am so happy for them. They have needed a dog ever since Maxwell died about 10 years ago. YIPPEE!!!!!

So it took 5 days but my freezer is at ZERO now! I’m not sure what that is all about but it is what it is. Glad I didn’t get someone to come out to check it.

We went to Pepe’s again yesterday. I had a wrap and brought half of it home. We took Sarah and Barb! Today, we’re hiking around the ponds. Then we will be down at the remada most of the day with out “Pot Luck” in the evening. It should be fun. I’m not sure when I’ll get my nap!!!! That is another good reason not to have Metaxa with me. It’s quite a distance to the Remada, I can ride my bike, but it’s too far to walk. I love it that we don’t have meetings everyday. I got to sleep to 6:30 both of these non meeting days (Friday and Saturday)!

I need to get dressed and take off with Sarah for the hike. I’ll be back later!

I’m back from the hike. It was good. Saw a fish being caught! CATFISH!

The guy hooked it and the little girl reeled it in. A nice big catfish. They released it! It was a beautiful morning. Here is another picture from along the way:

I got the whole mountain and its reflection.

We played games at the Ramada. Here we are playing FARKLE:

Kathy with a K, The two AF girls Sandy and Lorrie – they aren’t members yet, Dusty and Elna. It was HOT under that Ramada but we made it work with fans. I did get a few rounds of Dominos with my new friend Sarah ( she and I got here early and she ended up being right behind me ) and Shirley. It was fun, but I started losing it in the heat and needed to eat. I think getting older is tough to take this heat.

Two more WINSTON pictures:

Beginning this again on Sunday, October 6, 2024. I’m up early to go to my meeting. I still had left over coffee, so I’m set. I got most of my site cleaned up yesterday, so I’ll probably take a shower this morning before I leave. I’m sure I must stink from the heat. Today’s Temps this morning:

May be an image of 3 people and kayak

Kayakers on the Verde River. It was tough going. Alice and Barb had a difficult time. I’m glad I didn’t go.

Look – DAISEE2 got on to Facebook! Last night we had a pack of Cayotes near us. It was pretty cool. This park is great, but would be better if it was cooler. It got REALLY HOT during the day. I’d come back when the temperatures drop.


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