RV Life with DAISEE2 #92 Saturday, May 25, 2024.

Today we move DAISEE2 on to the slab. It’s an exciting celebration for Memorial Day weekend. I’ll take pictures. We’re doing it shortly.

Here are the pictures from this morning:

This is the back end:

Jack went out to visit his buddies this morning. Here is a video of it:


You can see our Summit in Scott’s garage. We’re renting it for $75 a month. Very excited we found a place so close. He lives by himself so he gets out of his car away from the Jeep. We’ll put a cover on it shortly.

We made Smoothies today. I found this really cool Hotch Portable Mixer on YouTube. It’s amazing how much I learn on YouTube. It’s rechargeable with a USB. I really like it. Here is a picture of it:

Mine is the blue one and I bought a Black one for Jack. It is SO COOL!

When we moved to this house, the back fence had some vines growing on it. They looked pretty pathetic:

Jack has been watering them 3 times a week since we moved in and this is how they look now:

A while back, we were approached by a group that offers a “Flag” service during holidays. Today is Memorial Day and it’s the first holiday where they deliver flags to the neighborhood. This was our flag today:

I would have liked to have the flag up for the entire weekend, just not for one day so next holiday we’ll probably put up a flag hanging down from the porch roof.

Took another route today, but still 2 miles. I get to see all of the neighborhoods in my area:

Susan is on her way to Michigan from Denver.

Look how short my hair was in this picture!

She is towing Joey on this trip. I think I’ll probably go on a trip with her again sometime. Maybe to the Dakotas in the summer.

Jack finally got his tag:

OK, so I’m obsessing about something now. It is SO HOT in MESA in the summer (Tucson and Benson also) so I’m thinking it would be nice to have some land to go to and get OUT OF THE HEAT in the summer. Even RVW skips July for camping. So I ran across this video today:

I trust these guys and I’ve looked at land by these developers in the past. So this is something I’m checking into. I think it is affordable – perhaps – we’ll see. It is semi developed – at least they say the lots are set up and ready to be developed as you wish. I’m only thinking about just having the land to take DAISEE2 to and boondock. It seems pretty good.

It looks pretty wide open, but there are mountain views. It’s at 3700 feet so would be cooler than the valley where we are now. I just want land so I can boondock in DAISEE2. They are having a sales event on June 15th and I was planning to be away that weekend with RVW, but I could do this and check out what there is to offer. 1 & 2 acres lots. I could do either. I think I’ll GOOGLE the area to see what I can see. I’ve sent the video above to Bill and Cathy. Not sure they have any interest. But I’m not sure about it, but would hate to lose out on something that I think is affordable for me. It’s only an hour from Las Vegas so I’m sure the urban spread will be a problem in the future, but maybe not in my lifetime. Anyway, I’ll keep looking. It would be a nice project and to get OUT OF THE HEAT would be wonderful. BTW Eric is featured in the video and he has a 6 shooter on his hip for the whole interview. I’m sure it’s just for rattlesnakes!

Voice of reason, brother Bill, said this area wouldn’t be much better than Mesa in the summer, so he told me to check out Munds Hill, AZ. On to that!


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