RV Life with DAISEE2 #72 Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Good Morning everyone. Today is the day before Thanksgiving. Jack and I will travel to Benson to have Thanksgiving with Bill and Cathy. We’re bringing cheesecake for dessert. Today, I’m getting solar installed on top of DAISEE2. Can’t wait to see how that works and I’m looking forward to being educated by the installer. It’s only going to cost $350 which is better than Freedom RV quoted me at about $1700. SO I’m hoping this is going to work for me. I’ll take pictures to add to this blog later. Right now, I’m just going to add a picture of the kitties:

They are becoming such GREAT Friends. Metaxa tolerated them yesterday pretty well. Let’s hope that continues today!

Happy Thanksgiving 2023! I got my solar installed yesterday but I didn’t take ONE picture. I can’t believe it! Anyway, the guy Chris from A to Z RV Repair was great. It only took him 1/2 an hour to do it. It is now working to keep my house batteries charged. I’ll go check it out tomorrow.

I’m getting itchy to go camping but I need to wait until the 6th of December. I’ll be going to DeAnza for the RVW annual meeting. I’ll be elected treasurer for our chapter. It’s a 2 year commitment. I’m looking forward to doing that.

I finally got my new credit card the other day and I’m updating my autopays. So far I’ve done Amazon, Garmin, Daisy’s storage, Tovala and Paypal. Not sure how many more need to be done.

GUESS WHAT! Bill and Cathy bought a 2001 Jeep Wrangler. It needs some work but I can’t wait to go out Jeeping with them. They are taking it to Mescal next Wednesday to get all of the fluids drained and checked out. Then they will be ready to do some JEEPING! WOW – a game changer for us. Now we can go JEEPING together and I bet Rich will come too!

Went to DAISEE2 today and collected somethings to charge up. My Personal GPS:

I sent it to Bill also so he can do some research on it. I also got my tiny GPS Garmin for the JEEP, but I don’t have a cord to charge it – only can charge it in a 12Volt. I think I’ll go use the 4Patriots in the Garage.

Cathy sent pictures of their JEEP. It now has fenders:

I think they will get tired of the zippered windows and Jack says they can buy full doors like we have on our Jeep. But they’re excited about this new “toy” so we’ll see what they decide to do with it.

I am at a meeting today and this is what I read today: “we have found that we have gotten rid of the compulsive and self-sabotaging patterns of disease that weighed us down previously: fears, resentments, inferiority complexes, negative points of view, self-centeredness, criticism of others, oversensitivity, inner conflicts, procrastination, unsafe sex, wasting money, boredom, false perfectionism, jealousy, and envy of others”.  I can say that I’ve done all of those things – especially when I was drinking but today too. But taking it one day at a time is SO helpful!

Here is another picture of our sweet ZIGGY:

He is SO adorable – both Ziggy and Jack!

Ziggy shared the couch!

How cute are they on the PORCH!

They love staking out this chair:

Today is Friday, December 1st. Welcome to December. 6 more days until my BIRTHDAY! 73!!!!

Zena and Metaxa shared the couch! WOW!

Got them all out on the porch also today!

Each day Metaxa gets a little more tolerant of the babies. They went to the VET together and so that bonded them a little also. Looking forward to everyone getting along!


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